144 hz
healing music
rife frequency
Mental Fatigue "Headaches" Brownian Noise 144 Hz MAGICAL MINDFULNESS in 3 Hours Brain Wave Music
Mental Fatigue "Headaches" Brownian Noise 144 Hz MAGICAL MINDFULNESS in 3 Hours Brain Wave Music
Mental Fatigue "Headaches" Brownian Noise 144 Hz MAGICAL MINDFULNESS in 3 Hours Brain Wave Music #RMBB by Relaxing Music and Binaural Beats.
This music is solely design by Naresh Pandey with the binaural tones to heal through binaural waves to retreat the mental fatigue with the natural waves of water.
Relaxing Music & Binaural Beats is directly concern with the healing binaural frequency. It is a Process of Bio-Energy or Bio-Resonance Nutrition where Balancing", rather of "Rifeing" approach of ‘blasting apart pathogens'. These experimental binaural beats frequencies are introduced as ‘balancing' or ‘normalizing' or ‘stimulating' to body system functions.
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