Crown Chakra (Platonic 172.6 Hz) | Sahasrara 7th Chakra | Jnana yoga | Knowledge-Divinity (Oneness)

Crown chakra is also called "Sahasara Chakra" which is the 7th chakra in line, also known as Jnana yoga in Hinduism. Which works in Top (crown) of the head, the brain, and the entire nervous system. With The Affirmative Statement "I KNOW" ('I Understand') ,the real spirit of connection i.e. Spiritual Truth; Intelligence, Divine Wisdom, Enlightenment, Oneness, Pure Energy; Universal Consciousness, The Superconscious Mind, Connection to Higher Planes of Consciousness, Connection to Source. 10 Hours of Music for Crown Chakra (Platonic 172.6 Hz) | Sahasrara 7th Chakra | Jnana yoga | Knowledge-Divinity (Oneness) It is located in the archangel with the planetary seventh (crown) chakra is at Mt. Kailas, located in the Himalayas in Nepal & Tibet, in Asia; also associated with Mt. Cook in New Zealand. Whose Spiritual Lessons are for Universal Awareness of Being; Pure and Unconditional Love and Unity Consciousness; to "to Be fully and wholly(Holy) Present in the infinite NOW moment of time; Complete and total Surrender to the Divine that is Within and Without; Oneness and the spiritual rays is 2nd divine ray with "Yellow" color frequency.
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